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Wondering how your dog can become a FRENCH CHAMPION?


If you are not familiar with the rules of how to achieve the French Championship, and you will like very much to participate with your dogs, to make it easier for you, we have translated from French the basic Société Centrale Canine (SCC) Club rules to help you better understand conditions to obtain French Championship title.

Please find the PDF file under the Attachment section with full details.


Although there is a general rule that your dog have to fulfil, for EACH DOG BREED the rules to obtain French Championship could be under the requirement of some specific demand. You will find an example of the few breeds (Chihuahua, Coton de Tuléar, Chinese Crested Dog, Peruvian Dog & Xolo and Yorkshire Terrier) and their specific requirements.

Therefore, we strongly advise you to contact the SCC responsible Specialized Purebred dog Club of your Breed to obtain detailed information concerning possible specific demands- health test as well as possible award conditions to compete for the title of the French Championship for some particular dog breed.

Email address: lumiere.de.sigiria@orange.fr

Here is the link where you can find Specialized Clubs for each breed in France:

Concerning the Speciality shows, be sure to search in the entry form breeds who are bold in the red colour (that means that on the same day Club organizes Speciality show for that particular breed) OR where it is written ''Spéciale'' near the specific breed, BEFORE you apply for the show. Example for this is attached in the photos section as well (we marked it with the green spot).

Be sure to share this article among your friends on social media and help them get valuable information concerning their dogs and participation at the French National and International Dog show.


Good luck in France!